Saturday, December 8, 2007
My Final Thoughts
Service Learning
I loved the kids! They were great...and I could not think of just leaving after my 9th visit. So I'll still be going there until Christmas break...or until they kick me I just love it there and I refuse to be another face who enters and leaves. The teacher is awesome and Guatemalan...we'll her kids are Guatemalan at least and she's very familiar with my parent's hometown. The kids are very smart and love art. They bought smiles to my face all the time. Next week they're having a party and I have no idea what I'll be buying for them. But I am looking forward to seeing all those wonderful smiles that will definitely brighten up my day : )
I think I'm done running my mouth for that last time : ]
Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
What Can We Do- Allan Johnson
Allan Johnson argues that there are challenges that need to be faced in order to change the pattern of priveldge, exclusion, rejection, discrimination, harassment and violence. In order to change the pattern of priveldge and etc, you must think of the troubles and find new ways to challenge them.
1. " The greast barrier to change is that dominant groups, as we've discussed, don't see the trouble as their rouble, which means they don't feel obliged to do something about it. This happens for a variety of reasons- because they don't know the trouble that exist in the first place[...]"(page 127.)
2. " Seek out alternatives to systems of priveldge, we have to move from social life organized around priveldge and oppression and move toward the certanitiy that alternatives are possible, even though we may not have a clear idea of what those are or ever experience them"(132.)
3." Most cultures of priveldge mask the reality of oppression by denying its existence, trivializing it, calling it something else, blaming it on those most victimized by it or diverting attention from it"(137.)
Questions/Points to share/ Comments
This artcle is very intresting...but very long. I'm very this is the final blog! But must say that I look forward to using blogs one day in my class room. I do believe that if everyone challenged the system of priveldge, the system can be changed. But the victims who are most affected by priveldge can not do it alone, it takes an entire society regardless of race to cause change. I don't think the system of priveldge will change anytime soon. Everyone is so focused on acting like the system of priveldge does not exist...or worried about their own lives. But one day... I hope it will change....maybe starting with the next generation...but on realistic Charles Lawerence, theres always another river to cross.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
School Girls- Peggy Orenstien
- Hidden curriculum
- Male dominance in eduacation
- Gender equality
- Teaching methods
- Inclusive education
- Girls vs. Boys
Peggy Orenstein argues that a gender fair curricula must be established in all subjects and all traditional assumptions on how students should learn should be reexamined. By creating a gender fair curricula, retaining a girls self esteem will be alot easier, even though there isn't a formula that can do this.
1. " This is a classroom that's gone through the gender looking glass. It is the mirror opposite of most classrooms that girls will enter, which are adorned with masculine role models, with male heroes, with books by and about men"(4.)
2. "Curriculum should be both a window and a mirror for students , that they should be able to look into other's worlds, but also see the experiences of their own race, gender, and class reflected in what they learn"(5.)
3. " McIntosh had developed a five phase curricular model based on the changes she'd seen educators go through when trying to teach inclusively"(15.)
4. " Feminist teaching isnot about allowing a win/ lose situation to develop between boys and girls"(16.)
Points to share, Questions and Comments
I never realized how male dominated curriculum's can be. But in class we did see how changes in women and men bodies are expressed. In a short paragraph about menastration, it was expressed very negatively. While men's semen was expressed positively and seemed more cherished. This was the first time I realized how male dominance affect the way we portray ourselves and how we feel about ourselves as women. I did realized in my history class in high school and in college that women were only taught as a way to show the roles they played in the lives of men. Such as being housewives, mothers and women struggles to becoming more than just a wife and mother. We never learned more than that,women weren't as important as men and how they affected history.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Schooling Children with Down Syndrome- Christopher Kliewer
Equality Education
Down Syndrome
Disability vs. Ability
Christopher Kliewer argues that acknowledging students with down syndorme as thoughtful, creative, and intrested learners with personal identities that distinguish them from all other people suggest an individual value that enhances any context containing the child. In classrooms that recognize all children as citizens, teachers and peers have rejected the image of community burden attached to down syndrome.
1. Now that we know that people with disablities can learn and have a full, rich life. The challenge is to erase negative attitudes about people with developmental disabilities, get rid of the stereotypes and break the barriers for people with diabilities.(Kingsley, 1996 p.6)
2. " Culture of segregation surroundng people with diabilities actually teaches underdevelopment of thinking through the isolation of children from socillay valued opportunites. [...] Altering the culture of disability requires that a child be recognized as an active learner, a thinker, and a problem solver"(83.)
3. "School citizenship requires that students not be categorized and seperated based on presumed defect"(85.)
Points to share/ Questions/ Comment
This article made me think of how disabled people are viewed in society and how I viewed the disabled. Reading this article made me realized that disabled people regardless of thier disability are capable of learning. During my volunteering at Pleasant View Elementary School, I am working with bilingual students but there are a few students who I mentally challenged. It is very difficult working with them because you must use two different methods of teaching when you are working with a mix of mentally challenge children and "normal" or average students. I don't think theres really a such thing as normal...but average students who can learn at the same capacity. To me... it seems unfair to mix them up because you hold students back from learning. But down syndrome children may be different, just because they look different doesn't mean they are incapable of learning with the average child. I do not know exactly how down syndrome can affect learning or intelligence but regardless of the matter, all children have different methods of learning. They should be taught accordingly. If down syndrome does affect their learning...than maybe it is best that they are taught seperatly.But if a teacher notices that this child is capable of learning more, than maybe they should be switched to an average class. I don't think segregation is good at all, but their learning should be based on their skills, capacity to learn and their intelligence.
Friday, November 9, 2007
One More River to Cross- Charles Lawrence
- Failure
- Success
- Racial segregation
- Inferiority
- Superiority
- White vs. black
- School systems
- Desegregation
- Power
- Remedies
Charles Lawrence argues that the Brown decision created a form of thinking about segregation that has allowed society and the judiciary to deny the reality of race in America Recognizing that segregation existed is an important remedy judically and politically.
1. " Once the system is established, any attempt to distinguish "active" govermental involvement in racial segregation from "passive" or nuetral tolerance of private segregation is illusionary"(286).
2. "Blacks are told we have no right to an end to the institution of segregation, and in bith cases we are told that this is so because the injury we claim is figment of our imagination"(292)
3. "The oppressor's understanding of his oppression is limited by self intrest, and ultimately we must find ways to make our oppression operate against the self intrest of thos in power"(293).
Points to share/ Comments/ Questions
The Brown vs. Board of Education case was a turning point in education and has affected the lives of everyone since. I found it very intresting that black schools during segregation in the South was superior to the white schools. I always thought it was the opposite, especaily since it was a time of racism and blacks were seen as inferior within the society. But in reality segregation continues to exist in our society based on race and wealth. When I was living in the South Bronx the people living in that neighborhood were hispanics and blacks and seeing whites in our community was rare unless they were from a phone, cable or housing company. Asians lived in our neighborhood but ran the chinese restuarant. Like Jonathan Kozol said i n Amazing Grace 86 street was the last stop on the train for whites or maybe even 125th. When I moved to Rhode Barrington the town is surrounded by whites and I don't even know another colored or hispanic family within my community. The members of my church are all white and my family is the only Guatemalans/ blacks in this church. We are not treated differently from the others at the church but the difference is there and blaintly obvious to anyone who isn't blind. Segreation in the Unites States is illegal now... but is all around us and has affected my life regardless of whether Brown vs. Board of Ed led to desegregation. We as a people have a long way to go before we can be desegregated in housing, employment and education. Diversity is supposed to be important but our society is still segregated. Will this ever change within future generations?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Tracking: Why Schools Need to Take Another Route- By Jeannie Oakes
- Tracking
- Education
- Differences
- Low ability classes
- High ability classes
- Teaching methods
- Changes
- Achievement
- Lack of achievement
Jeannie Oaks argues that tracking leads to differences in learning experiences that students have at schools and tracking benefits high ability students but does not benefit others. Alternative strategies are also offered even though it wouldn't be easy to implement.
1. "High ability English classes were more likely to be taught classic and modern literature, provided instruction in expository writing and library research, and expected to learn voacabulary that would eventually boost their scores on college exams"(178).
"Low ability classes were likely to have little contact with the knowledge skills that would allow them to make it into high classes or to successful if they go there"(178).
2." In low ability classes. for example, teachers seem to be less encouraging and more punitive, placing more emphasis on discipline and behavior and less on academic learning. Compared to teachers in high ability classes, they seem to be more concerned about getting students to follow directions, be on time, and sit quietly"(179).
3. " The quality of classes for average students usually falls somewhere between the high and low class extremes"(179).
Points to share/ Questions or CommentsThis article is very intresting. As I read this article I thought about honor classes as high ability classes. I also thoughr about regular classes as low ability classes, especially in public schools. It is very intresting to know how tracking affects students. Another comparison I made was Public schools vs. Private schools because since children are paying for their education in private schools, they may benefit as a high ability school while public schools may be more focused on state wide exams and be considered a low ability school.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Teaching to Change the World- Jeannie Oakes & Martin Lipton
Teaching to Change the World is about...
Economic conditions
Social condition
Scientific management
Oakes and Lipton argues that myths of merit, competition, progress and scientific efficiency characterizes American culture and schools which prevents schools and society from democratic possibilities.
1. " Students who have the resources,opportunities and connectione that come with the priveldge,the more ambitious and hardworking may well go farther than those who simply do okay in school" (19).
2. "Americans belief that sucess in school (and life) follows from ability and aspirations masks the reality that schooling, within the broad social structure, favors children from priveldge families"(19).
These quotes show how myth of merit and progress charecterize American schools by preventing social quality. Priveldge is a major factor to preventing social equality in schools.
3. "[...] The "decline" in school achievment and the decline in the national economic preminence- [...] caused by an emphasis on equity issues such as desegragation and compensary education. Schools were told that they must find ways for their test scores to improve students achievements[...] but programs designed to help them do that were cut back"(27).
Points to share/ Questions or Comments
This article was intresting but not was intrestin as the other articles we've read in class. According to Oaks and Lipton family background seemed to determine how well students do at school. In some ways I agree with this statement while in some ways I do not. My family does not come from a wealthy family and like some families my family has been through financial issues. Due to my family situations, I've always wanted more for my life and never wanted to be in the same financial situation my entire life. In my case, my family background did determine how well I did in high school and how far I wanted to go with my education, which is attending college.But this isn't the case for EVERY student. A family canbe wealthy...full of doctors and lawyers but have a child who does not want to go beyond high school. Or a student can be from a poor family and never even complete high school or even go beyond grad school. I believe a students family has an influence on their education but the family background does not necessarily determine how well they do in school.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Beauty and the Beast/ What it Feels Like for a Girl- October 18, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us- Christensen
- Racism
- Sexism
- Stereotypes
- Power
- Secret Education
- Self image
- Media
- Roles
- Education
- Movies
- Cartoons
- Children's books
- Manipulation
Linda Christensen argues that sterotypes are formed through children's books,cartoons and movies which shape the way children act, live and dream; because of the portrayal of inequality and hiearchy.Evidence
1."Although these stories are suppposed to merely entertain us, they constantly give us a secret education. We are not only taught certain styles of violence, the latest fashions and sex roles by TV, movies, magazines and comic strips; we are taught how to succeed, how to love, how to buy, how to conquer, how to forget the past and suppress the future. We are taught, more than anything else, how not to rebel"(128).
This quotate is significant because it shows how children and adults are affected by the media and books. The media and books provide us with a "secret education" according to Dorfman, that leaves us with message everytime we look at a book, advertisement, magazine and etc.
2. " Women's roles in fairy tales disort reality- from Jessica Rabit's six mile strut in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? to Tinker Bell's obsessive vanity in Peter Pan. These seemingly innocent stories teach us to look for our faults. As Tinker Bell inspects her tiny body in a mirror only to find that he minute hips are simply too huge, she shows us how to turn the mirror into an enemy...And this is a scenario is repeated by girls in locker rooms all over the word"(136).
3. "Because we can never look like Cinderella, we begin to hate ourselves. The Barbie syndrome starts as we begin a lifelong search for the perfect body. Crash diets, fat phobias and an obsession with the materialistic become commonplace" (136)
These quotations are significant because it shows how cartoons and the media negatively affects how women see themselves and how woman view beauty according to what is seen on TV, media and even cartoons.
Points to share/ Comments/ Questions
I never really thought about how cartoons affect children. I always saw cartoons as a form of entertainment. But now that I think about it, I realized that I've never seen a black woman play a lead role in a cartoon/ fairy tale. The only lead role where I saw a black woman play was in Cinderella starring Brandy. I was young when I first saw it and it was a big deal! I loved watching the film because Brandy was black and she "looked like me." Not like all the other fairy tales where the lead role is a white women like Snow White, Rapunzal, Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and all the other cartoons. WOW. Never realized that until now... The media always presents a message through its products. I can not lie, I have fallen in the media's trap... buying things I liked and I am the biggest Nike fan. I would buy the latest Nike because fashion is a big deal! But now when I go home, I look forward to watching cartoons with my little brother. I look forward to critiquing and analyzing these cartoons... Its not that I don't believe in what Christensen has said... but I need to see if the sterotypes and racism experienced in this article can still be seen in today's cartoons. Like Dora the Explorer, Spongebob Squarepants, and the Fairly Odd Parents( I know these because my brother watches it.)
Monday, October 8, 2007
Gayness, Multicultural Education and Community
Gayness, Multicultural Education and Community was about...
- Gayness
- School community
- Democracy
- Privilege
- Power
- Normal vs. Abnormal
- Marginalization
- Culture
- Homophobia
- Homosexuality
- Keeping gayness in it's place
- Invisibility
Dennis Carlson argues that "gayness" has been kept "in its place" within the school community and maintaining "gayness" is difficult to sustain. Gay people have been identified as the pathological and deviant "Other" and have been silenced,invisible and absent within the school community.
1. "Normalizing texts systematically exclude and neglect the culture of those outside the norm for the purpose of ratifying or legitimating the dominant culture as the only significant culture worth studying"(page 236.)
"No state currently recognizes gays and lesbians as a legitimate minority or cultural groups to be considered in textbook adoption or to be included in multicultural education; and a number of states explicitly prohibit teaching about homosexuality"(page 236.)
This quote shows how gayness is kept in it's place through the curriculum's used in schools. The dominant culture which can be categorized as those who are straight are seen as normal, while those who are gay are seen as abnormal and are neglected through curriculum's used in schools because they are not apart of the dominant culture. Gayness is also kept in it's place because in so me states the teachings of homosexuality is prohibited. If gayness is recognized, it is through the health curriculum's where they are associated with having AIDS.
2. " One of the primary means of ensuring that gayness was an invisible presence in the school was through the dismissal of teachers who were found out to be homosexuals"(page 237.)
The school community tried to make gayness invisible by firing teachers who were homosexuals, which also shows how gayness is kept in it's place. According to Carlson, gay teachers were fired because they were seen as a threat to the students and the American way of life. Teachers were seen as contagious. ( Amanda's Opinion: What ignorance!)
3. " One of the effects of this closeting of gay teachers may be an overzealous effort by gay teachers themselves to avoid any class discussion in which gayness may come up, since they presume that to be publicly "out" at school would cost them their jobs"( page 238)
Gay teachers are silenced because of their fear of loosing their jobs which also shows how gayness is kept in its place.
Points to share/ Comments/Questions
I found this article very interesting because in some ways I could reflect on my high school experiences with gayness. At my high school, I knew two male teachers who were gay, but were respected and accepted within my school community. I don't think they've ever told me personally "I'm gay" but it is something that you kinda knew when you met them. This may seem very stereotypical because I judged them based on their appearance and my first impression. But I've seen them both with their partner...holding hands off school grounds. I've also known several high school classmates who were open with their sexuality and were also respected. No one regardless whether they were gay, lesbian, feminine were judged based on their sexual preference. To everyone within my school community the abnormal was also seen as normal.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Aria- Richard Rodriguez
Aria was about...
- Education
- Americanization
- Power
- Society
- Silence
- Disadvantage children
- Bilingualism
- Spanish as a private language
- English as a public language
- Two worlds
- Improvement
- Family
- Changes
- Individualism
Rodriguez argues that when bilingual children or families become assimilated into a public society, a degree of private individuality is diminished.
1. Richard's family was willing to give up their language in order to fit in within their society.
"In an instant, they agreed to give up their language (the sounds)that had revealed and accentuate our family's closeness"(page 35).
2. The closeness within Richard's family diminished as they became apart of society.
"But the special feeling of closeness at home was diminished by then. Gone was the desperate, urgent, intense feeling of being at home; rare was the experience of feeling myself individualized by family intimates. We remained a loving family, but one greatly changed. No longer so close, no longer bound tight by pleasing and troubling knowledge of our public separateness"(page 36).
3. As Richard's comfort and understanding grew in the English language, he was able to fit in at his school and in public.
"Neither my older brother nor my sister rushed home after school anymore. Nor did I. [...] following the dramatic Americanization of their children, even my parents grew more publicly confident"(page 36)
Points to Share/Comments and Questions:
Aria is a very interesting article that I can relate to tremendously. Just like Richard, I speak more that one language. I am a trilingual speaker since my parents are from Guatemala and besides English, I can speak Spanish and Garifuna. It is difficult to maintain your private individuality when trying to fit in within a society. I was raised speaking Spanish and Garifuna in my home, but when I started to go to school, I began learning English. Learning English has affected me both positively and negatively. It has affected me positively because I am now apart of society and have priveledges within the society. As a fluent English speaker I have the oppotunity to attend college, communicate with others and not feel silenced by my differences. The negative affect of learning English is loosing apart of my private individuality. I am no longer a fluent speaker in Garifuna because it is hardly spoken in my home. My parents are also into the habit of speaking to my sisters and I in English, rather than Spanish and Garifuna. Code switching is often done in my home. We are in the habit of speaking "Spanglish." I also agree with Richard when he stated that English is a public language and Spanish is a private one. I agree with this because I have observed it within my own life. English is used beacuse it is highly excepted with our society. It is the language that is taught to children in America and the language which we use to establish every part of our daily lives. But to bilingual speakers, English is a language that is used in public whereas Spanish or any other languages for that matter is used within the comfort of family and friends.
During my VIPS experience at Pleasant View Elementry School
I am working with Pre-k Bilingual students who are three to five years old.The students are fluent in the English language but are placed in a Bilingual class room. Why is it that fluent students in English are being taught everything...which includes their alphabets and vowels in spanish? Doesn't that cause problems/ confusion for the child as they grow up in a society where the English language is dominate?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Amazing Grace- Johnathan Kozol
Amazing Grace was about...
- Poverty in the South Bronx
- Homelessness
- Racial segregation- Hispanic and black neighborhood
- HIV/ Aids
- Murders/Death/Prostitution
- Hospitals
- Drugs /Violence
- Children/ Families- Cliffie, Alice Washington
- Education-Schools/After school program(St. Ann's Church)
- Welfare
- Power
Johnathan Kozol's Argument/ Evidence
Kozol argues that poverty, racial segregation and danger continues to exist in our nation and affect our children. Kozol further more, shows the reader evidence through the lives of children he met in the South Bronx. He gives a thorough explanation of the living conditions of these children and their families. Kozol tells us of the troubles and problems existing within families living in the South Bronx. In 1991, the household income in the South Bronx was 7,600 according to the New York times. There are about 4,000 heroine injectors and several who are infected with HIV. Living conditions according to Johnathan Kozol, was horrible. Houses were freezing in the winter and they were infested with rats and roaches. About 84 young adults no older than 21, were murdered. Johnathan Kozol spends a lot of time with Cliffie and learns how living in these conditions affects him.
I am from the South Bronx myself, and I've known Johnathan Kozol my entire life. In fact my sister Jacklin is in "Ordinary Resurrections" as Pineapple. I was raised attending St. Ann's Church and my passion for working with children began there as a "teen leader." I worked with children there since I was 14 years of age and only stopped because I moved to Rhode Island for college. I've never read any of Johnathan Kozol's books before and everything I've read up to this point has shocked me. The neighborhood I grew up in, was no where near suburban... and no where near perfect. But I felt that he over exaggerated at some points in his writing. I was raised among drug dealers, but never knew anyone who was HIV positive or any one who has died from it. I never knew a crack addict or a prostitute in my neighborhood either. Living conditions.... I lived with heat and never needed a portable heater. Not every home in the South Bronx was roach and rat infested. I don't remember everything that occured in 1991, because at that time I was only 4 years old. But what I do know about the South Bronx, is that it has come along way. I know that I've come a long way and people out there is fighting the system...trying to get out of their lifestyle if they can... EVERYDAY. Now....since I got that off my chest... Where is Johnathan Kozol right? what do I agree with? Since I've lived in the South Bronx... I know that it isn't the safest neighborhood. violence is everywhere. I've experienced shoot outs and seen lots of right next door to drug dealer(which is how they make their living.) Overall, it isn't a safe neighborhood to raise children and expect them to "make it."Only the STRONG survive and make it...not only because they worked hard...but because they had the help and privilege that others didn't. But I'm not even sure how poverty affects the South Bronx today, but what I do know is that poverty can be found everywhere...including Rhode Island, which I now reside.
Johnathan Kozol, as far as I can remember, carried a pen, writing pad and tape recorder every time he visited the church. He spent a lot of time with my family and children in the neighborhood. Writing his book has been a stepping stone to where I am today and why I am attending Rhode Island College. I've worked hard to get where I am, and maybe harder because I am a minority who lived in a neighborhood who did not have the opportunities and privileges, a predominately white suburban middle class community would have. But there is always a difference between someone who lives the experience and someone who writes about it. The only difference between the South Bronx and other areas is the LACK of opportunities, privilege, education being received and most importantly....not having a way out of that life style. After reading the first chapter in Amazing Grace I am now interested to read more of Johnathan Kozol's works.He is a wonderful man and I will not say that what he's written about my neighborhood is invalid or not true. Every story needs to be effective to its reader. Would it sell if it wasn't? Would you believe me if I said...there's exaggeration?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My name is Amanda Gotay. My sophmore year at RIC is going pretty well with the exception of my Astronomy. Anyone good in math? lol....seriously. On my free time from classes, I am doing homework, studying, working or spending times with friends and family.