Mrs. Purple

Mrs. Purple

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Beauty and the Beast/ What it Feels Like for a Girl- October 18, 2007

I enjoy this class, I truly do. I teaches me so m uch about myself and those around me. Watching Beauty and the Beast after reading Christenin's article, opened up my eyes alot more. I now realize the importance of informing children about things seen in cartoons and in media in general. Everything within the media and cartoons provide a message, even if it does not intend to on purpose. In Beauty and the Beast I realized that all the charecters were white and none were of color. Why is that? The closest thing to color was sheeps, who had brown faces and white body. In the scene with the sheeps, the owner was chasing them so he can try to retain them. Beauty was highly valued in the film, which does not always give a good message to little girls. "What it Feels Like for a Girl" is a very intresting video. Men were seen as devils and everything Madonna did was against men. I found this video intresting because women are valued in this video and white man aren't. The message in the video...I'm really not sure. I think Madonna is not conforming to society's expectations by going against men especially when men are still cosidered superior to women. Which can be a mjor reason why the video was played only once.

1 comment:

Dr. Lesley Bogad said...

Hey Amanda,

Great post on class. And huge news on your Career Commitment Essay!! Congrats!!! That must feel so good!

See you Tuesday

LB :)